Friday, March 23, 2007

New Budget

Hi guys, as I was taking Professor Gibson's advice and looking for a political blog (brownie points?), I came across this comic that I thought was great, especially with our recent discussion on the new budget. It pretty much looks at the new tax breaks and says it's not very conservative budget, but it's conserving power.

According to the National Post, the budget spends approximately $5800 per Canadian. Why is this "conservative" government had such incredible increases in spending? The budget allocates a great deal of funding for social programs and the government has hired another 50% of its environmental enforcement officers. I wonder, did people vote Conservative because of their great social services? Or did they vote Conservative for the exact opposite reason. There are no tax cuts, just increased spending hidden to look like tax breaks.


Blogger PnM_blogger said...

I basically agree with the comments that The_roar_of_84 has stated. I think this budget was a political tactic to satisfy liberal and NDP followers as well because they know with a minority government that they must please not just conservative voters but also the opposition voters. Having a minority government makes it harder for the conservatives to complete their full agenda. If they continued to give tax breaks for the upper class and what not this would cause an uproar among the lower classes as well as some middle class families. We know that we must focus alot more attention onto our environment (our home we MUST continue to preserve and sustain) as well as social programs because those are part of Canada's social values. Therefore, it does not surprise me that the conservatives put a lot more money into various social and environmental programs in order to gain more votes. Just a 'suck up' tactic to try to gain a majority government in the next election. If a majority Conservative government proves victorious, then I think the true colours of the conservative party will surface.

2:20 PM  
Blogger My Eyes Are Bleeding said...

Conservative governments always wind up spending. There is a reason Mulrone left the debt even bigger than Trudeau. Conservatives can't resist the urge to spend, but they also have to cut taxes to appease their base.

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really does seem that way, doesn't it?

6:58 PM  

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