Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Adding to my previous post

I just watched an episode of "Dateline NBC: To Catch a Predator" series which is possibly the most repetitive things on TV. Some guy thinks he is chatting with a 13 year old online and arranges to have sex, then shows up, is interviewed, cries, gets arrested. I am addicted to this, and disgusted by it at the same time. Although I recognize that they are creating valuable evidence to be used in court...should they wait until after the verdict has been delivered before that can air it to the world ? This just goes in line with my previous post....good luck on essays everybody.


Blogger PnM_blogger said...

I think its sad that there are these anonymous internet perverts that enjoy having sex with minors. I have seen that special on Dateline before. I think its sad to see that there are thousands and thousands of these perverse individuals luring minors. I think it's okay to show this to the American public because it shows the general public to be aware of such acts happen. For parents, it allows them to see what can happen to their kids on the internet. Its a good thing to have these documentaries being aired so that parents can monitor their kids, and also for kids that are chatting online, to be aware of possible creepers luring minors and taking advantage. With the age of technology and the the Internet, we are able to attain anything at the tips of our fingers. So it is only fair to show these specials to show citizens that anything is possible on the internet and not to be naive.

10:28 PM  
Blogger My Eyes Are Bleeding said...

I dont have an issue so much with this airing, as I said I really enjoy watching it, its just I don't think this sure air BEFORE they go to trial. Further, isn't there evidence that most peodophiles prey on family members. This type of show suggests that you should only be afraid of "the other" not "the uncle".

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The show is actually funny in an unintentional way. The way the perverts walk into a house thinking they are going to have sex with a minor, only to have Chris Hanson walk out and give them a speech. They try to deny it, then walk out, only to be accosted in a really overkill manner by some pseudo-SWAT team. You know it's entrapment, but funny in their approach.

7:06 PM  

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