It is understandable that since Canada has taken the leading role in afghanistan combat operations people want to make it publically known that they are giving their moral support in the effort. It is only natural that this would be the case in a country that so loves its national identity on the world stage. What concerns me, however, is the amount of partisan dribble that comes from the mouths of those same supporters.
It seems that Mr. Harper continued to create a partisan divide over Canada's soldiers in the House of Commons today. In response to a Liberal request for the resignation of Minister O'Conner, the Prime Minister shot back at the Liberals declaring that it appeared to him that the Official Opposition was more concerned with the plight of Taliban detainees in Afghanistan than their own soldiers.
I'm not even going to go into why this statement was fundamentally the wrong thing to say. What I am concerned with is this idea that if you disagree with government policy on war you are not in support of the Canadian Forces. I am so tired of hearing this type of BS. Supporting a national military does not entail the absolute support of governmental foreign policy (this kind of argument was used in the lead up to the Iraq war and it caused the castration of the democratic party until this year). Nor does it entail the succession of human rights accountability during an operation. The people who hold their tongues during military operations in order to 'support the troops' are the same people with those idiotic bumber stickers of the same slogan. Mindless advertisement does not a citizen make; questioning, holding government accountable, and holding military officers accountable for actions unbecoming of them is what true support is all about.
Canada needs a military to sustain its reputation at home and abroad, as well as to aid those in need all over the globe when the time should come, but this does not mean that we as citizens should stand by while policies and actions by our government and armed forces are being committed which are against the fundamental principles of what Canada stands for. It's time for us to really give our military the dignity it deserves.
It seems that Mr. Harper continued to create a partisan divide over Canada's soldiers in the House of Commons today. In response to a Liberal request for the resignation of Minister O'Conner, the Prime Minister shot back at the Liberals declaring that it appeared to him that the Official Opposition was more concerned with the plight of Taliban detainees in Afghanistan than their own soldiers.
I'm not even going to go into why this statement was fundamentally the wrong thing to say. What I am concerned with is this idea that if you disagree with government policy on war you are not in support of the Canadian Forces. I am so tired of hearing this type of BS. Supporting a national military does not entail the absolute support of governmental foreign policy (this kind of argument was used in the lead up to the Iraq war and it caused the castration of the democratic party until this year). Nor does it entail the succession of human rights accountability during an operation. The people who hold their tongues during military operations in order to 'support the troops' are the same people with those idiotic bumber stickers of the same slogan. Mindless advertisement does not a citizen make; questioning, holding government accountable, and holding military officers accountable for actions unbecoming of them is what true support is all about.
Canada needs a military to sustain its reputation at home and abroad, as well as to aid those in need all over the globe when the time should come, but this does not mean that we as citizens should stand by while policies and actions by our government and armed forces are being committed which are against the fundamental principles of what Canada stands for. It's time for us to really give our military the dignity it deserves.
This may sound cynical, but I think your putting waaaaaayyyy too much credit into the hands of people who have to play to the audience on television. People may not like this stuff from politicians, but by now they expect it. Last time that I saw question period I was in shock over how they could yell so much and say nothing at all.....I need a valium
If the whole mission is based on lies and deceit than the government has to resort in using such cheap tactics. What are they gonna say? "Support our invasion of a sovereign nation"? This includes Afghanistan aswell. And please to tell me how it was justified to invade Afghanistan, I know the "official" story and I don't need to hear it again.
Sorry if that came out a little too harsh. :)
I totally agree with you. This sounds very familiar with regards to the War on Iraq. People misinterpret the whole 'if you're against the war, you're not supporting the troops' I believe this is BS as well. If you don't believe in war, doesnt mean you don't have faith in your troops. I don't agree with the war, but I mean since our soldiers are down there, I do support them. They are brave, courageous individuals and i'm very proud of them representing Canada. They are doing an amazing job. I support them 100%. Just like the war on Iraq. I support US troops. They are strong willed citizens trying to do what the administration tells them to do. I support them, but I DO NOT support the war. I commend the troops for doing the job that they are doing. But I curse Bush for putting them through this BS of a war. Therefore, like i said before, I understand your concept of supporting the troops as well. just because you're not FOR the war, does not mean you are not going to stand by your fellow Canadians supporting them in a different way.
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