Monday, March 19, 2007

It's no big deal, really.

Lord Black spent this past weekend shopping absentmindedly in Chicago's famed Miracle Mile. Just an average day spent with his wife and daughter.
Is it really that easy to put aside the nagging thoughts that in 48 hours time, your multi-million dollar trial begins, in which you could face 25 years in prison?

With any luck I will never be in that position. But I would think that if I were, I wouldn't spend the last hours before my trial shopping in an elite stretch of stores, flaunting my wealth and my carefree state. Or at least this is how it appears to me. Is this Black showing confidence in his legal team? Or showing his arrogance? Or is it showing absolutely nothing at all?


Blogger Faithisthesubstance said...

This just seems like another classic example of Conrad Black's arrogance, similiar to that of a certain French monarch Louis IV. I guess he is giving his family one last playtime with his money before all of his finances are frozen! In all truth, I have to believe that he running scared and is just enjoying what time he may have left with his family.

8:01 AM  
Blogger JazzyJ said...

I would suspect that as a public person, and a media veteran, Black understands that everything he does will be reported on and analyzed by the media. He didn't go shopping just because he wanted to enjoy what's left of his financial freedom, he went to send a specific message to the public and to all of those watching the trial closely. Black without a doubt has a PR team working for him, and they obviously deemed this activity as beneficial to his cause. It works because it makes him seem confident, innocent and especially, it casts him in a role no different from before the trial, suggesting that he and his fortune are going knowhere.

9:40 AM  
Blogger leege said...

The rich are innocent. let's face it, Black knows it, he knows we know it, so he has to keep the image up of being elite. If he ran scared what does that do? it takes him down from his status to be someone like everyone else. with his fortune he may feel above the law, only time will tell but one thing is for sure until the verdict is in i don't think we'll be seeing Black showing signs of fear.

1:32 PM  
Blogger My Eyes Are Bleeding said...

Black has always been good at playing like he has the upper hand. Donald Trump does the same thing, Black just has a better vocab. Just like the rest of us I suspect that he is very different when there is no camera

7:57 PM  
Blogger PnM_blogger said...

I pretty much agree with these opinions. I believe that it is his arrogance that is making him play off the position he is in. I really hope that he doesn't think that he can just pay his way through the legal system. Again, just like others I think its just his cockiness getting in the way. I hope he is found guilty and gets what he deserves because I think its annoying that so many white collared crimes are overlooked.

4:48 PM  

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