Today, on the UWO main page, I read an article about the US Ambassador to Canada talking about passports at Western this week. ( This is an important issue, because due to these new requirements, Canadians and Americans travelling by plane to areas in North and South America now require passports. The new requirements for those travelling by plane began January 23 of this year. Those travelling by land or sea will have to obtain passports, if they don't have them already, by January 1st, 2008. Hopefully Passports Canada ( prepares for the likely increase in demand for passports better than they did in this year, because it took around 5 weeks extra for someone to receive a passport due to extra demand. You think they would anticipate this and hire more workers. More information on the passport requirements are on this website:
Will increasing security by requiring us to have passports protect us any way? Or is it merely another increase in security produced by the fear-mongering after 9-11? I live near the border to the US, and lot of people I know regularly travel to the States, however they don't own a passport. The new requirement starting next year might effectively stop them from travelling across the border. And same goes for Americans coming across the border to drink here in Canada. I'm not sure if it will accomplish much other than taking money out of travellers pockets. Passports are expensive and have to be renewed frequently.
Will increasing security by requiring us to have passports protect us any way? Or is it merely another increase in security produced by the fear-mongering after 9-11? I live near the border to the US, and lot of people I know regularly travel to the States, however they don't own a passport. The new requirement starting next year might effectively stop them from travelling across the border. And same goes for Americans coming across the border to drink here in Canada. I'm not sure if it will accomplish much other than taking money out of travellers pockets. Passports are expensive and have to be renewed frequently.
If they really cared about security they would do something about the millions of people coming to the US illegally via the Mexican-American border. These new passport requirements are just part of the "big-brother" program in the U.S.
I completely agree with the need to own a passport. I recently was in the Dominican Republic, where Canadians don't need a passport to travel to, and I couldn't believe the number of travellers using their drivers licenses are their only piece of ID!
As for the cost? Children under the age of 16 get a substantially cheaper price on their passport. Same goes for starting the process far ahead in time before you need it, so that you don't have to pay to have yours as a rush order.
If you're Canadian, carry a Canadian passport, end of story.
As a kid i travelled across the border alot for sporting events, both in cars and in planes, so i've had some expeirence with the border and travel. I just feel that in today's world it won't hurt to have a passport at all times. It's the most legitimate piece of ID and you never know what may happen and where you may need to aswar mentioned. If the costs are to expensive for some then we have to find a way to lower cost or find a cheaper yet still effective piece of identification.
I do think that the new implementaiton of passports is an adminstrative hassle. I work at a constituency office for an MPP and it takes an extremely amount of time and effort to help people obtain passports, birth certificates, SIN #'s etc. Trust me, I know it is a headache! However, I am in favour of requiring passports to travel out of the country. Obtaining a Canadian passport is a very secure process and it is much harder to use a fake passport than it is to use a fake driver's license. Although presently the requirement of passports is a burden, I think that in 5-10 years it will be very worth it in order to increase security. Every extra measure helps!
I agree with aswar, it's very important to keep a valid passport at all times, especially if you have family outside of Canada. You're prepared to leave the country in a rush without worrying about a passport.
I disagree that the passport offices didn't do a sufficient job. Canadians had plenty of warning about the new laws yet most just waited until holidays, when the office became jammed. Futhermore, if you're planning a trip, you usually plan in advance to get better airfare, so you have plenty of time to get passport.
Although passports are expensive, they are an important piece of ID. If you use travellers cheques, you need a passport to cash them. Regarding renewal, I believe there has been discussion about extenting the validity of passports once the new legislation takes effect in 2008, easing the financial burden on travelers.
The US spent billions on the US-Mexico border, but it isn't keeping "undocumented citizens" out, rather, it is forcing them to cross in the desert and many dying during the long jouney. I think that mandatory passports are essential for security reasons. The US is so concerned about terrorists and lets face it, most terrorists aren't crossing borders illegally. They come in with passports through legal means. The new enhanced security of passports may help, or at least America will feel like it's keeping its nation safe.
"The US is so concerned about terrorists and lets face it, most terrorists aren't crossing borders illegally. They come in with passports through legal means."
You don't need "most" of the terrorists to commit massive terrorist attacks.
"Al-Qaida Operative Nabbed Near Mexican Border"
More than just "poor mexicans" crossing the border:
Also what those illegals do after they come to the U.S should be considered "terrorism" as well. They have killed more people than 9/11. Not to mention rape/assault/theft/gangs etc.
"in Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens."
So much for caring about the safety of Americans.
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Aswar posted a comment asking how could you not own a passport. Keep in mind a passport takes time and effort. Its costs something like 80 dollars, you have to get your photo taken just right (if there is any shadow it is not usable) then track down a doctor lawyer or priest who has known you for a few years and can guarantee that you are who you are. You also have to wait in line for ages, or send it in an wait for monrths to hear back (if you mail it you have to prove ORIGINAL DOCUMENT or birth certificates ect)....this is an awful lot of work. I dont think anyone would go thru it if they didn't have to.
I would also like to add that I dont belive that having to show a passport will lead to increased will be like using someone elses buss pass.....
A passport should be a document which is given to all Canadians, just like a status card as a landed immigrant or birth certificates. Having passports as a requirement for entry between the USA and Canada will not solve issues of national security. It is a moneymaker for both governments - it is another freedom of travel which is being taken away - we are being penalized for the actions of others. If the Bush administration was worried about suspicious people with Arabic names entering the country illegally, why can the Bin Laden family take the only plane on Sept. 12th to Saudi Arabia??? The hijackers in 9/11 were not Canadian. Timothy McVeigh was not Canadian. Daivd Queresh was not Canadian. Any act of terrorism that the USA has experienced is either domestically cultivated, or produced through American state terrorism overseas. Like notalemming77 said, there is no mandatory passport laws being passed to stop Mexicans crossing into the USA. Could it be that the influx of ilegal labour provides a reason for corporations to keep wages low for naturalized citizens?
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