Another Conservative Government? OH NO!

I was reading The London Free Press yesterday and I stumbled upon a very interesting poll.
It based around if Canadians voted today, who would they cast their ballot for?
Here is the poll that was released by the Canadian Press and put together by Decima Research. It was based upon 1000 respondents from February 22-26. It has a margin of error of 3.1 points, 19 times out of 20:
Conservatives: 36%
Liberals: 27%
NDP: 13%
Green: 13%
Bloc Quebecois: 8%
What is very scary is the fact we might have another Conservative government led by Stephen Harper, if this poll is correct! However, my opinion aside, what was a very nice surprise was to see how much support the Green party had! Good for them, bad for the NDP!
Therefore, what do you all think? Do you think this poll is how things will roughly turn out? Is it a joke? Are these polls pointless?
Your thoughts......
I think that analyzing polls is a waste of time, not to mention a distraction created for the public to keep us from debating about actual issues. Instead of discussing how and why we feel about something the government is saying or doing and then going out and trying to make our voices heard, we are stuck discussing the meaning of a poll rather than the issue itself. Thus we are seperated from political debate and action by polling, that evidently works as an instrument with which to channel public emotion and opinion into a yes or no check box. I think then that polls deter the public from participating in politics, and are thus undemocratic.
You also have to consider that Canada's electoral system is first past the post. These 'statistics' represent what the popular vote would supposedly be. This has nothing to do with the number of seats won... there are many examples in history where the popular vote varies widely from the number of seats.
(But that being said... the Conservatives could get a much larger percent of the seats too!)
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