Friday, March 02, 2007

Alas, we knew her all to well

Am I the only one who doesn't care that Anna Nichole Smith died? Yes, I know that sounds heartless, cruel, insensitive, blah, blah, blah, but I'm sorry, really, why do we care? She was a blond bombshell who was an ex-stripper, married a 90+ year old, got rich when he died, gained 100+ pounds then lost it about a year ago and now she's dead from a drug overdose. She contributed nothing to society other than boosting Entertainment Tonight's ratings over the past year.

When I heard that Anna Nichole Smith died I had no reaction. I wasn't happy, but I wasn't sad either. I was essentially forced to find out all the nitty gritty details from CNN's 23 hour a day coverage of the 'event' (Lou Dobbs' show was the only one that didn't have coverage). Thanks to them I now know the contents of her fridge when she died. I am certain I am dumber now for having watched even the small amount of coverage I did watch.

Please give me your thoughts. I hope I'm not the only one who feels this way.


Blogger King's Man said...

You know what....

It is one thing to talk about it for a couple of days, however not three weeks.

People need to get over this. Smith is getting more attention by dying then Gerry Ford did when he died.


1:00 PM  
Blogger IngeniousGene said...

It's sad when people die, yes. Do we need to hear about it for weeks? No. It made the front page of the free press: annoying! I sometimes wonder about the LFP, what were they thinking? Pretty much anything gets up there! Remember DeCicco's engagement: Will you Mayor-ry Me? (or something stupid like that.)

I was in DC when Ford died and we went to the visitation at the White House. I think I've come across more footage on Anna Nicole than actually going to the visitation and the funeral (procession and all).

9:26 PM  

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