Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Media and the U.S Caught Spreading Lies Again!

I guess by now everyone thinks that Iran is supplying weapons to insurgents in Iraq. Especially the 81mm mortar shells and those "mini" IED bombs. Well this is the same story over again. The American media is acting as a propaganda tool again, this time stepping up their effort against Iran. Not sure if the mainstream media changed their official story yet, but what does that matter, when you can repeat a lie a million times and than it will become the truth. Some people are even accusing the U.S of creating fake websites like this one: Which supposebly shows that Iran sells and makes those 81mm shells. Check this article for more information: (be careful its not CNN!)

On the topic of those sophisticated IED's that "Iran is supplying", well they are from the Zapata Engineering of North Carolina, Hawaii and Tel Aviv. Good stuff about this here: (Anything but CNN/NBC/CBS!!! Be Extra-careful - the truth is very depressing)

Anyway I just found about this literally a few minutes ago. Still did not have time to check out any mainstream newspapers or news shows. I should have probably made more research before I posted this, but this is just too exciting!

If anyone has any more info or corrections please post it, as its still too early to tell what is really going on.


Blogger IngeniousGene said...

I found this post pretty interesting! I had never even heard of this fake company.. but it does seem more than just suspiscious. I looked in some mainsteam sources but couldn't find anything.. however, I did find a blog about it... There are a lot of interesting comments from people who have been following this Iranian Ammunitions site and they provide a lot of links, however, a lot of the links don't work.

9:22 PM  
Blogger My Eyes Are Bleeding said...

I am the cynical voice on this blogg...and I have learned, like most people, not to trust what propoganda machines like Fox and CNN pump out.

8:09 PM  
Blogger PnM_blogger said...

This is nothing new.... A quick look at history will show a long list of blatant lies that become are spun into the "truth". The easiest way to start a war is to create an enemy.

The USA supplied the Taliban in the 1980's.

The USA supported Saddaam in the war against Iran.

Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam appealed to the USA for help to fight against the French. Since he was a leftist nationalist the US invaded and bombed this nation for over 20 years.

Patrice Lumumba of the Congo asked the USA for helicopters to patrol movements of Ugandan forces across their borders. He then asked the Soviet Union for the same helicopters. He was labelled a communist puppet and was killed with the help of the CIA.

Honestly the list goes on forever, and the truths are never printed in the mainstream media. You have to be an investigative reporter yourself to find out the truth about any story. Mainstream media is propaganda. We need more Chomsky!!!

5:45 PM  

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