Sunday, February 18, 2007

Oops she... did it again?


Now of course this news is disturbing in itself, but the real question to be asked is why was this the #1 story on CNN and MSNBC? Is this what the expensive, 24 hours news channels are made for?

An ABC affiliate actually had a camera onsight to film the first steps taken by our dear Britney with her new hair do.

Even the Globe and Mail has reported on this.
Where does the cycle end? One conglomerate reports on ridiculous news, and every other one has to follow suit to not lose any 'readership'. Viewers have to stop craving for this type of news for the cycle to ever stop.


Blogger NotALemming77 said...

Probably two reasons for this: 1) The public loves this type of "news" and 2) You gotta keep the sheep distracted.

2:24 PM  
Blogger truemuskokan said...

Yah, as much a shock as the bald Britney is, like the other poster's, I can't say I'm suprised that this was a #1 news story or CNN. Apparently "reputable" news stations have been reporting on stories such as a cat being stuck up a tree or the dairy cow in Idaho hat has a spot resembling Micki Mouse since the advent of the mass media. Wanting to know other people's business is human nature and I highly doubt we will ever witness a decrease in these sensational news stories. To avoid this junk new we are going to have to take it upon ourselves to be critically pick and choose what news we want to devote our time to.

6:34 PM  
Blogger My Eyes Are Bleeding said...

I am also not surprised this was the number one news story...but I must admit I love this sorta stuff...Have I ever mentioned that Maury Povitch is my favorite guilty pleasure ?

8:08 PM  
Blogger PnM_blogger said...

I don't believe that this is more appealing than "real" news. People are just taught to be complacent of certain issues - we are taught to resign our opinions over to so called experts. By filling time with this nonsense, there is less time to tell us what is actually important. You see it so often that we never think twice about it. Look how many 24 hour sports channels or hollywood report shows there is. How many public stations are on the air that do not bend to the will of their corporate sponsors? I can only count 2 1/2 (TVO, PBS and to an extent CBC). Too many people look to these stories as an escape from their reality - as citizens in this society we have been so isolate from any sense of purpose that we only exist as consumers. It's all a cycle. See the story on TV, buy the magazine, see the ads, buy the products, become upset because you're not in the "in" crowd, repeat cycle. It amazes me sometimes how deep into the matrix a lot of us have become.

5:31 PM  

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