Harper Still Doesn't Get it
Today Prime Minister Harper issued a formal appology to Mahar Arar and stated that the government of Canada will be giving him a $10.5 million settlement. This has been a long time comming for sure. It was necessary for the Canadian Government to do something for Arar and his family after the inhumane things that were done to him in Syria due to North American neglect and stupidity.
My issue, however, is once again with the way Harper was fielding the questions posed to him at the press conference, which was broadcast on CBC NewsWorld. While answering a question related to the Arar settlement, Harper stated something to the effect of, 'this settlement is reasonable considering the neglegence of the former Canadian Government' - I am paraphrasing obviously. Mr Arar deserved and apology from the CANADIAN GOVERNMENT, not from the "New" Canadian Government on behalf of the "Old" Canadian Government. I'm not sure if Harper realizes he is saying things like this, or if he just does it because all of his press conferences over the last year have been like a broken record with this rhetoric looped.
For the sake of Mr. Arar and his family Harper should have left the politics alone for this one time so that justice - as Harper agrees is so necessary in this case - could be served.
My issue, however, is once again with the way Harper was fielding the questions posed to him at the press conference, which was broadcast on CBC NewsWorld. While answering a question related to the Arar settlement, Harper stated something to the effect of, 'this settlement is reasonable considering the neglegence of the former Canadian Government' - I am paraphrasing obviously. Mr Arar deserved and apology from the CANADIAN GOVERNMENT, not from the "New" Canadian Government on behalf of the "Old" Canadian Government. I'm not sure if Harper realizes he is saying things like this, or if he just does it because all of his press conferences over the last year have been like a broken record with this rhetoric looped.
For the sake of Mr. Arar and his family Harper should have left the politics alone for this one time so that justice - as Harper agrees is so necessary in this case - could be served.
I'm also very happy with the results of this case. However, I think that Arar needs more respect from the American government. If our trials have proven that he is innocent, I think that the US decision to "keep an eye" on him is unjust. He has been through an incredibly horrible ordeal and just wants to return to his normal life.
Harper promised to maintain pressure on the US to have Arar removed from their terror watch list, however, I wonder how much this pressure can really do?
Our government has taken responsibility for its role in sending Arar to Syria, but I don't think the US will. To remove him from the terror list is to admit they are wrong. It seems to be the Bush way to not admit you're wrong no matter what- just look at his ratings re. the war in Iraq.
I think that Harper definitely realizes what type of jargon he is using -- and I'm sure it was specifically picked out by his media advisors to ensure the blame about the Arar affair.
Regardless of whether Chetien or Dion were in power, they still would have tried to shifted the onus off of himself onto another source, just as Chretien did to Martin re the Sponsorship Scandal.
Of course Harper is going to try and deflect the spotlight off of him in a situation that can't do anything but hurt him. That's what politicians do, if you get in a bind, blame someone else. As 'aswar' said past leaders have done it before and future leaders will continue to do so because nobody seems to hold them accountable for their copouts and it's the easiest way for them to move on and screw up the next situation.
Okay, so that might be a little harsh, but I would have a lot more respect and pride for a leader who can admit our Countries faults. Everyone makes mistakes, but it is how you deal with it that shows your true character. Harper be a MAN!
Of course Harper is going to try and deflect the spotlight off of him in a situation that can't do anything but hurt him. That's what politicians do, if you get in a bind, blame someone else. As 'aswar' said past leaders have done it before and future leaders will continue to do so because nobody seems to hold them accountable for their copouts and it's the easiest way for them to move on and screw up the next situation.
Okay, so that might be a little harsh, but I would have a lot more respect and pride for a leader who can admit our Countries faults. Everyone makes mistakes, but it is how you deal with it that shows your true character. Harper be a MAN!
I personally think any other leader would have "acted" differently, but done the same thing. Mulroney issued an appologies for many past wrongs from the Canadian Government, while pointing out that other governments did them.
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