Think Book Burning Only Happens in Communist China? Guese Again....

Not sure if alot of people know this, but the Canadian government prevents certain books and other "forbidden knowledge" to be read by Canadians. What bothers me the most is their ban on certain "propaganda" aka books that have dissident views and overall a different view of the world. They try to justify their censorship by saying they want to "protect children from obscene material," or "hate." Trotsky could not have thought of a better saying than that. This kind of censorship is slowly reaching the internet, but they will have a harder time enforcing such an initiative. And yes by "burn" I mean literally they burn the books. I even know someone that called the Canadian Border Information Service and asked about their procedures and yes they do destroy them by actually burning them. I also recently read how in the U.S there is now plans to have bloggers registerd with the government. I guese too much information is getting out.
More on the American situation here:
Some links on Canadian censorship here:
Canada is just more sublte at it's censorship than the Chinese. Go to any Chapter's store and look for critical authors - there is a slim to no chance that authors like Jack Barnes, Ward Churchill, or William Blum will be found on the shelves. In this society there is impression that censorship is some type of Orwellian product of 1984, when in reality it's all around us. Why are critical documentaries only shown in independent theatres, never in corporate chains or on TV. Newspapers are more concerned with gaining advertising revenue than reporting the news. What we have to be conscious of is the fact that Canada allows freedom of speech, but what it does not guarantee is an audience. But in reality, what is one without the other? O'Reilly can be on network TV in primetime, but Noam Chomsky only exists in text form for the most part.
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