Friday, February 23, 2007

Hey everyone and happy reading week!

As we discussed violence in the media last week, I thought it was good idea to bring back the huam face behind viloence. Violence surrounds us in different forms as various power struggles and forms of oppression, both in media and in society. Violence surrounds us to the point that many forms are no longer recognizable as violence. Sexism, racism, spousal abuse, economic abuse, verbal abuse, etc. these are all forms of violence. A homeless person is an example of economic and structural violence, residential schools and stereotypes of the Aboriginal perpetuated in the media and in daily life are a form of cultural violence. Violence is everywhere. I feel that people today are no longer seeing violence, they turn a blind eye to it. People are no longer outraged by violence, it has become part of life. Just like the Akon song discussed in class, people think, "it's ok. That's not me." Furthermore, I believe music with such lyrics is violence, and enjoynig it or choosing to ignore it is saying violence is ok.

I was reading the news on BBC and I came across a part called "Day in Pictures." I found the pictures to be moving and help bring back a human face to conflict and life in general in other parts of the world. As we dicussed in class, the media makes it so easy for us to detach ourselves from war, conflict, poverty etc. as these people are seen as "Others." The media allows us to detach from these people because it doesn't effect us. Armies and other organizations are able to train their soldiers to kill the "enemy," as they are taught that they are unhuman, barbaric or whatever else they need to believe in order to kill. They may not be brainwashed to believe this, as we discusses this cannot happen; but they can be persuaded, sometimes using propeganda or other means, to believe in whatever cause they want their followers to believe. Just thought I'd remind those of you who may be detached of the human faces behind violence around the world.

have a safe and happy reading week.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Oops she... did it again?


Now of course this news is disturbing in itself, but the real question to be asked is why was this the #1 story on CNN and MSNBC? Is this what the expensive, 24 hours news channels are made for?

An ABC affiliate actually had a camera onsight to film the first steps taken by our dear Britney with her new hair do.

Even the Globe and Mail has reported on this.
Where does the cycle end? One conglomerate reports on ridiculous news, and every other one has to follow suit to not lose any 'readership'. Viewers have to stop craving for this type of news for the cycle to ever stop.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Media and the U.S Caught Spreading Lies Again!

I guess by now everyone thinks that Iran is supplying weapons to insurgents in Iraq. Especially the 81mm mortar shells and those "mini" IED bombs. Well this is the same story over again. The American media is acting as a propaganda tool again, this time stepping up their effort against Iran. Not sure if the mainstream media changed their official story yet, but what does that matter, when you can repeat a lie a million times and than it will become the truth. Some people are even accusing the U.S of creating fake websites like this one: Which supposebly shows that Iran sells and makes those 81mm shells. Check this article for more information: (be careful its not CNN!)

On the topic of those sophisticated IED's that "Iran is supplying", well they are from the Zapata Engineering of North Carolina, Hawaii and Tel Aviv. Good stuff about this here: (Anything but CNN/NBC/CBS!!! Be Extra-careful - the truth is very depressing)

Anyway I just found about this literally a few minutes ago. Still did not have time to check out any mainstream newspapers or news shows. I should have probably made more research before I posted this, but this is just too exciting!

If anyone has any more info or corrections please post it, as its still too early to tell what is really going on.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Politics and Media Blog Project

Politics and Media Blog Project

North Korea

As of Tuesday morning, North Korea announced that they would stop nuclear weapons testing and close down some of their nuclear power plants.

They agreed with China to dismantle their main nuclear reactor, for millions dollars of aid to the country along with near 1 million tons of oil. This is a major step in Asian-Pacific relations because North Korea has acted as a nuclear threat in the region for some years now.

While Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill was on hand at the meetings as a representative for the US, his voice was rarely heard during negotiations because the talks were primarily between China and North Korea.

In my opinion, this is a type of power play by North Korea to gain the necessary monetary aid and support from outside countries to hopefully push themselves into a more techonologically advanced era. The former communist N Korea is taking the appropriate steps towards modern industrialization by making agreements like this to further boost its economy without taking on unwanted allies.

Personally I dont think that North Korea is closing down any of their testing programs, and even though the media might report the agreement as being a step towards disarmament, the North American news sources only have access to the information that North Korea wants them to have

Friday, February 09, 2007

Aboriginals in the Media: The Noble Savage?

As I was watching television (sorry I tend to watch a lot of tv), I started noticing the relative invisibility of aboriginal peoples in the media, whether it be in fictional programs or news outlets. Whereas other minority groups are relatively well seen in these mediums (albeit stereotypically), aboriginals are not seen regularly. The only times I saw them portrayed were in old history movies with "cowboys and indians" or that "chief" from the movie, Dances with Wolves who tries to promote 'Lokota' his medicinal arthritis lotion, and actually uses his role in that movie to increase his credibility. To me it's sad that someone has to rely on a a stereotypical role in a movie released 2 decades ago in order to legitimize his "native" medicine. I don't know, maybe I watch to much tv, but it just seems that compared to the mainstream white group, and other minority groups, aboriginals have it rough.

On my observations, groups like the Asians have gone from the "Fu Manchu" stereotype to I guess a more positive one? in villains that Jack Bauer fights on 24, or those of African descent went from the plantation worker in Gone with the Wind to portrayals in the Cosby Show. The natives seem to be frozen at that "chief" stereotype. It's like if they had a commercial with a stereotypical portrayal of an Asian with a triangular hat and a bad accent trying to sell spring rolls; people would call that racist. Yet, there's the Lakota commercial? Just my thoughts, feel free to comment.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

America the stabilizing force

Does it seem ironic to anybody that American politicians are trying to get elected on the basis of using things like healthcare, welfare and peacekeeping, which are normally considered to be great Canadian values ? Now that the United States has something like 10 trillion dollars in debt they want to being in "universal" health care based on the Canadian model (for the the whining some people do about it).

You have to wonder, if America actually did bringin in Universal health care, what would happen to Canada ? Would doctors still get paid more in the United States and would we still loose doctors to the US ? Would the Americans having Universal health care wind up crumbling Canadina national identity ?

Enjoy the video

Friday, February 02, 2007

Gore and Watt-Cloutier for Nobel Peace Prize!

As the recent blogs are all about th environment, the hot topic for our next federal election will be the environment, it's also a key topic for the Nobel Peace Prize. Al Gore pushed for environmental measures while vice-president, and he has used his position to get politicians and the greater public to understand the effects of climate change. His Oscar nominated An Inconvenient Truth brought world wide awareness on the topic. Gore makes a great role model and shows the world the importance of climate change, and reminds the public that not all politicians are bad.