Friday, November 03, 2006

Politics and Media Blog Project

Politics and Media Blog Project

Today in the Globe and Mail there was an article that I found relevant to our class discussion this past Monday. The issue that was published was in regards to the O'neil case. For those of you reading who don't know what im talking, the case involved a reporter and the RCMP who raided her office at home. O'neil, wrote an article in 2004 following the Arar extrodition to Syria, which stated that the RCMP gave the US government incorrect information regarding Arar's affiliation to the Syrian government. The information that O'neil had came from a leak and the RCMP was determined to raid her home office to take all of her files and information... needless to say she pursued legal action and was found innocent by judge Ratushny, i hope i spelled that right

ANYWAYZ... the case stipulated the sections of the Anti-terrorism act and the security of Information act that the RCMP used as reason to raid her home office were unconstitutional.

The article posted today stated that the RCMP and the Justice minister would not appealling the courts decisions... consequently, O'neil has won the case in its entirety and the next step is the revision of those acts in the constitution. This case is ground breaking and well have a huge effect on reporters and media all across Canada as the RCMP was found guilty, and the acts were deemed to be unconstitutional and infringed on the individuals right to freedom of the press.


Amor de Cosmos's concepts relate perfectly to this situation where as the governments fears of the press, and their attempts to impede the press have only resulted in the expansion of the freedoms associated with it


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