Politics and Media Blog Project
I hope everyone is doing well with this very busy time of year! Hopefully when some free time comes up there will be more posting to the blog.
Across the news the London North-Centre by-election is making headlines, and not because Pearson took the seat. The focus tends to be on Green Party leader Elizabeth May, who was a strong second, (slightly) ahead of Conservative Dianne Haskett.
I personally received a visit to my home from a Green Party representative, who I found to be very interesting. The thing that suprised me is that the gentleman stayed to speak to me although I informed him immediately that I would be voting for the Conservative party but am a strong believer in the need for our COUNTRY to take a more proactive stance on the environment.
By this I mean that I don't find the environment to be a negotiable party platform, but rather a civic responsibility that WILL come about if citizens so desire. On this, I found it interesting that the Green representative felt the Greens would be best suited to a cooperation with other parties. This is personally where I feel a party like the Greens belong, by playing a role to aid whoever is in power to recognize the urgent issues we have created in our environment. In this way I've always felt issues like the environment belong to the people's interest groups.
I think that all the major parties, not specifically the Conservatives, should take note of the Green success story in our riding this week. Certainly the Conservatives were behind the Greens, but the riding is definitively Liberal (under Fontana) and the Greens took votes from across the mao. This to me, then, seems to be a far more general commentary on the need to step up to environmental commitments. Certainly the Liberal caucus had their own measure of disconnection with vital environmental problems, and the NDP has not recently had sufficient power in the house to show their resolve either way.
It's time to take a positive stance for the environment, and I for one hope the Greens get where they belong... right in the faces of the political leaders.
I would welcome any thoughts! Particularly any other experiences anyone had during the by-election.